A little break lost in our daily life
Do you also feel disoriented in the tasks to be managed on a daily basis?
Maybe it’s time to take some time out and meet your inner child. So how can we adopt the « Zen attitude » ?

In a society where we live at 100 per hour, it’s complicated to focus on one thing at a time. We try to combine as many tasks as possible, to do everything at the same time, but we end up not doing them fully, ore even not doing them at all. We end up frustrated, we geel guilty and we lose this feeling of accomplishment. In short, our brain is overworked. Although being multitasking is positive, we end up exhausted.
Attending a meeting while checking our emails while thinking about our shopping list is the opposite of efficiency. Do you recognize yourself? Do you find it difficult to combine your work, meal prep, sport sessions, housework, the children activities, while maintaining a social life, without forgetting to water the plants in your garden?
Does your boss drive you crazy? Do your colleagues not let you go? Are you in a bad mood when you wake up? So yes, you definitely need a vacation. But they are often far away when we need them most.
Maybe it’s time to meditate and focus on the essentials!
Vous allez vous demander « Mais quel rapport avec le papier toilette ? ». Justement… Les toilettes, c’est un des uniques endroits où nous sommes certains d’être seuls sans être dérangés. Ne serait-ce pas l’endroit idéal pour s’isoler et se reconcentrer sur soi-même ? La méditation au cabinet, c’est peut-être bien la nouvelle tendance !
So what are you waiting for to sit on the throne and start meditating?
You are probably asking yourself “But what does this have to do with the toilet paper you sell?”. Exactly… The toilet is one of the only places where we are sure to be alone without being disturbed. Wouldn’t this be the perfect place to isolate yourself and refocus on yourself? Meditation in the office may be the new trend !
So what are you waiting for to sit on the throne and start meditating?
Focusing on the present moment, learning to manage your concentration to be fully in what you are doing are not easy things to put in place. You have to be able to control your thoughts so that you can do one thing at a time, without thinking about the next tasks. Here are some tips to make your intimate moments real moments of breaks:
Breathing exercices to be fully present. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, focusing on you breathing. Once relaxed, it’s time to exercice your senses by channeling your feelings on the weight of your hands, the contact of your body with objects,…
Writing is a good way to translate your positive and negative emotions. Use writing to get things out that are taking up too much space in your head.
To do lists ! They allow you to focus on one thing at a time. Go for lists that have checkboxes. But be careful, try not to make lists that are too long or you will be frustrate if you do not reach the end. Identifying priorities will allow you to calm your anxiety.
Reading can make the world around you disappear for a few moments. Super ally to increase your concentration and your productivity.
Reading can make the world around you disappear for a few moments. Super ally to increase your concentration and your productivity.
Try games that stimulates you and improve your processing skills. On your smartphone, download sudoku, chess, etc.
Music has a therapeutic effect. Soft music, nature sounds or even classical music can help you concentrate. On the other hand, avoid songs with lyrics that could distract you.
So what makes you hesitate? Wouldn’t the toilets be the perfect place to try these small gestures to improve our daily lives.
Paul McCartney even said « I wrote my best songs in the toilet.”