Did you know that 40% of all known bamboo species in the world are grown in China?
Bamboo culture is not new. Bamboo is a material used by the first humans on earth. At present, this plant with many virtues makes the happiness of many companies and workers. The chinese industry has an average of 8 million jobs because bamboo must indeed be planted, maintained and harvested by hand. As bamboo is thin and elastic, manual labor is required in the early stages of the transformation process.

This grass is rooted in the life of Chinese and holds a privileged place in their culture. There are nearly 10,000 uses of this plant ranging from building materials to pharmaceutical and food industry products.
This plant has gained attention over the years in many industries to become the ultimate sustainable alternative. But why?
It is a versatile plant that grows very quickly ;
The plant reaches maturity after 4 to 8 years depending on the species;
It can be harvested as a perennial without risk of deforestation, 3 to 5 years after being planted ;
Its yield duration is more than 40 years ;
It retains roots in the ground which produce new shoots each year: helping to secure and stabilize the soil;
The more this plant is cut, the more it grows ;
It is a source of non-polluting energy and useful for the protection of the environment ;
It’s a giant carbon sink ;
Allows quick reforestation ;
Slows down soil erosion ;
Requires very little water ;
Compensates for weaknesses in ecosystems ;
Requires very little maintenance.
Bamboo is a symbol in China before being a raw material. It is a plant still under-exploited in other countries. But scientific and technical advances have transformed it into a profitable commodity for farmers promoting the sustainable development of society. Now and thanks to innovation, the green hills are one of the greatest riches of the country.
Interest is growing in other countries as well, where bamboo is developing gradually. Many organizations are showing interest in bamboo. This is the case of INBAR (International organization for Bamboo and Rattan), which is an intergovernmental organization affiliated with the UN, which promotes bamboo cultivation, technology transfer and training for farmers. It plays an important role in the international development of the plant. INBAR quoted : “Bamboo and rattan are extraordinary resources with unique potential to address global challenges.”
Bamboo is definitely one of the pillars of the responsible economy. Its cultivation is a source of income for rural communities and a source of employment for the population. However, care must be take to turn to sustainably managed forests in order to limit the impact of monocultures. For this, International labels and associations play an important role in the selection of products. This is particularly the case for FSC certifications.
Beyond its socio-economic benefits, bamboo is an essential element for maintaining ecosystems. It is indeed a major player in projects to fight against deforestation and desertification in the world thanks to its root system. It grows naturally in tropical and subtropical regions and offers a multitude of products and services in favor of the environment.